Wednesday, August 31, 2005

contacts....(i don't care who you know : )

i have a lot of dreams about contact lens.....heres what i just read about that...

Contact Lens

To see or wear contact lens in your dream, suggests that you need to focus on the task at hand. You need to pay closer attention to a situation before acting on it. The dream may also mean that you need to get in contact with someone.

If you have difficulties putting on your contact lens in your dream, then it indicates that you are having trouble paying attention.

hum...i'm not sure about that....i also have a lot of dreams about cars and being the driver in the back seat....


To dream that you are driving a car, denotes your ambition, your drive and your ability to navigate from one stage of your life to another. Consider how smooth or rough the car ride is. Whether you are driving the car or a passenger, is indicative of of your active role or passive role in your life. If you are in the backseat of the car, then it indicates that you are putting yourself down and are allowing others to take over. This may be a result of low self-esteem or low self-confidence. Overall, this dream symbol is an indication of your dependence and degree of control you have on your life.

To dream that you car has been stolen, indicates that you are being stripped of your identity. This may relate to losing your job, a failed relationship, or some situation which has played a significant role in your identity and who you are as a person.

To dream that your car is overheating, suggests that you are expending too much energy and need to slow down or run the risk of becoming burnt out. You may be taking on more than you can handle. It is time to take a breather.

To see a parked car in your dream, suggests that you need to turn your efforts and energies elsewhere. You may be needlessly spending your energy in a fruitless endeavor. Alternatively, a parked car my symbolize your need to stop and enjoy life. To dream that you cannot find where you parked your car, suggests that you do not know where you want to go in life.

To dream that you are almost hit by a car, suggests that your lifestyle, beliefs or goals may be in conflict with another's. It may also be symbolic of a jolting experience or injured pride.

To dream that you are unable to roll up the windows of your car, suggests that you are showing some hesitation and reservation about the direction that you are taking in life or the path that you have chosen.

I like quotes : )

"when the character of a man is not clear to you look at his friends" japanese proverb

"after silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music" aldous huxley

"personality can open doors, but only character can keep them open" elemer g. letterman

"its the friends you can call at four a.m. that matter" marlene dietrich

"i don't know anything about music. in my line you don't have to" elvis presley

"adversity does teach who your friends are" lois mcmaster bujold

"most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be" abraham lincoln

"nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power" abraham lincoln

"an intellectual snob is someone who can listen to william tell overture and not think of the lone ranger" dan rather

"we could never learn to be brave and patient, if there were only joy in the world" helen keller

"the ornament of a house is the friends who frequent it" ralph waldo emerson

sigur ros

if the new sigur ros album is half as good as the single that joe gave me the world could have peace...this song is that good and i'm really pumped to hear what the rest of the cd is will be released on September 13th...i'm going to have to pull out my other sigur ros now....anyone up for going on a trip : )

thank you joey : )

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

As life gets longer, awful feels softer.
Well if feels pretty soft to me.
And if it takes shit to make bliss,
well I feel pretty blissfully.


i think that i may just stop driving...okay so that probably won't happen but i may have to start begging for gas money...i wonder how many people have run out of gas recently, i bet it is more than a matter of fact, i may run out of gas on the way to the gas station in a while...but what do you do....

school is going good...i'll probably start with kids on Monday.....right now i have nothing to do in the mornings until Friday....i have to go recruit at one of my schools on Friday morning...

Monday, August 29, 2005

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this was one of the easiest first days of school a teacher could ever have....i checked into all three of my schools and have started working out my schedule...its not finished because there was one school that the person who makes the schedule (who is not the principal) is gone all i left my info and they are supposed to get back with i'm not going to be at that school this week...i don't have an actual classroom at any of my schools...and actually two of the three schools didn't even know that they were going to have strings at all... i did kind of expect that...lucky for me they were excited....but the best thing about all of this is that i get paid no matter what : ) so i'm not to worried about now i'm going to spend my afternoon at the computer working on letters to parents :)

pat has made some new friends at church and this is a very happy thing for me....she seems to be in a better seems that i will be going to church a lot more than i normally would...but that shouldn't be a problem....i'll find something to do... : )

I'm ready to find someone who can put up with me : )

so i'm about to go to my first day of work....and i still don't know what i'm going to be doing...i do know the time that i have to be there though so that is a step ahead of the entire weekend...

i've decided i want a covered porch....last night when it was about to start storming and the winds were high...i heard a person playing guitar on their porch and i so wanted to be that person...but my porch isn't covered and i would get very wet when it started raining....

i will post how my first day was....i keep hearing how blogs about life are stupid and worthless but i'm going to blog about my life anyway.

Friday, August 26, 2005

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hey i posted a while ago that i wanted to visit all 50 states and that i would let all of you know what states i still needed to go to (like you are actually interested : ) i found a website that will generate a map for you of all the states that you have been too..

create your own personalized map of the USA

i've visited 31% of the U.S. not bad...i think i can make my goal before i die : ) i believe there are other states that i've driven through but not actually visited so i didn't count them....

i got this site from a blog that i've mentioned before....
Whitts Blog...and he posted this webpage that i think is neat....human clock....and everyone should check out this video of the freakinbrothers : ) funny stuff...maybe everyone should just stop reading my blog and read his : ) just kidding...

i guess cats get married in indonesia...i've had two conversations so far with pat and she keeps telling me that oreo would be less lazy if she had a husband and kids.... : ) i tried to explain that oreo can't have kids and cats don't get married, i don't know if it sunk in....but we did decide that oreo is just old and thats why she is lazy....

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Finally AGAIN

i start school am i excited...i go in tomorrow and sign the papers and get all of my stuff together : )

i've got nothing...

i still haven't heard from the school...i think i'm going to call them this afternoon...i've really been doing nothing but watching a lot of movies, reading, cleaning and cooking....lucky for me we have a soccer game tonight : ) things with pat are going just fine....i think she is starting to like school and she is going to join the basketball that should be fun for her....well, for now thats all folks : )

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


i'm bored and i think i've written this post about three times now...everytime something happens and i end up closing the program...anyway...i'm ready to start working...

i did english homework tonight, well i actually just check it...i forget how messed up the english language really is...

so you were jealous because you didn't get to see the sufjan stevens show in colorado....well thanks to ry, you can listen to it here... man that was an awesome show, i'm ready to see him again : ) you can actually here the three people in the audience from oklahoma yelling for our state in the 50 state song... : ) its for sure not a perfect show, but thats one of the things i like about it...

i guess people can tell how bored i am with how many post i've made lately...o'well...

new blog found

this is radioheads blog...they are in the studio right now...i love these guys, as most of you know...this is exciting : )

thom mentioned watching this video in one of his entries and it really is messed up rubber johnny...
i liked messed up : )

two more quotes

i just finished reading my book and it was really good...its weird to me to finish a book, it just feels like the world that you have engrossed yourself in is gone and sometime it feels like you are missing something...of course not all books do this but this one was....

"you have to know when to prod and when to be quiet, when to let things take their course"

"there is nothing perfect...there is only life"

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Monday, August 22, 2005


from the secret life of bees by sue monk kidd

"after you get stung, you can't get unstung no matter how much you whine about it"

this quote just reminds me of life...there are just things you can't change so why complain....

new plan

so i've come up with a new plan for "the venue"...i've been putting a lot of time into thinking about it and i've decided that it might work better and be cheaper to start smaller...make sure it looks good and bring in good bands but only be open maybe thursday-sunday....then when we get the money, work on the rest of the ideas we have...which, trust me, is tons.. : ) i think that is even more feasible to think that we can pull this off by next summer ...this is going to be good....


friday, the school district called and officially offered me the job...but now there are about a million things that i have to do before i must go pay them to do a background check...which to me is stupid, every other school district i've been in just pays for it and then takes it out of your first pay check...o well...then once everything is good with that then i have to have a physical and a tb it could be the end of the week before i'm teaching or at least getting to my schools...but that will be okay : )

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Sunday, August 21, 2005


i'm just tired....i feel like i have been going and going and going...kind of like the energizer bunny...i'm ready to get my life in a routine...something that makes sense and that i don't have to think....hopefully i'll start school soon and that will help....i've seen some movies this weekend and i've seen some really good trailers that i'm excited about....first of course is harry potter but i think i've already posted that one....but there is another called aeon flux that i think looks really good....i know there was another one too but i can't think of what it is....when i do i'll let you all know...i think that is all i have for now...

Thursday, August 18, 2005

hey jack

which is hey dude in indonesian : ) i'm learning the important stuff right away.... : )

did you know that heineken means to chill/hang out...

I'm ready to go to school...i'm sick of being at home with nothing to do...but tomorrow my plan is to apply for a job working for the state....if anyone knows of any other job openings let me know...also if anyone would like to house their own foreign exchange student there are about 6 that don't have homes yet...

pat (that is what we will call her : ) said today that she was shocked at the fact that american teenagers don't value education...she was also very shocked at the amount of pregnant girls in schools...i wonder what it would be like to live in a country that values education...she said that students do not treat their teachers with as little respect as students here do...yet something else that would be amazing....


i was mistaken for a high school student today....i just have to remember that when i am older i will like the fact that i look young...and actually, i really don't mind it now....i think my poor new little friend was a little scared this morning and you know what, i don't blame her...hopefully she makes some good friends...i realized today that i need to use less stuff... : ) i still haven't heard anything about my job, so i'm going to start applying other places....i want to make sure that i am working : )

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


well...i now have a 16 year old kid living with me from indonesia, the exchange student program lost several of their volunteers at the last minute and she didn't really have a place to stay...this is just kind of something that happened last night...she is going to a school around me so she will be living here during the week and with a friend of mine on the weekends...we spent most of today enrolling her in school...which was extremely weird, because i am now the person the school will call if she gets in trouble or she breaks a leg...or whatever, i guess i'm going to have to go to conferences with teachers...way weird, it will be fun though, i can learn new things and teach her new things...if you are my friend please don't forget me because i have a kid : ) i know this sounds weird, but i'm kind of scared of that...

still haven't heard anything from the school district, i will call again tomorrow...since school starts tomorrow and all...

if you are my former student, you should probably be at school in the middle of the afternoon since it started today.....

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

sometimes i wonder....

why i do the things that i do...of this i will explain later : )

i need a map of the US to hang in my room....

we played soccer tonight on a new team that has never played together before...
Jay "i was almost able to watch you"...which means we did really well...I really liked this team, i feel like i played harder than i had in a long while...i even scored....go me....this will be a fun team to play on, even only for one season....a guy at the soccer place was "coaching" us and he gave me some really good if only i can make it work in the games : )

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don't panic

i got ahold of someone in the fine arts first they told me they didn't have me down to teach and i kind of freaked out more, but then they found my name and told me the two other schools that i will be at. that was a relief...i still haven't signed any papers but she did say to not panic because hr was a little behind...i have a feeling its because they decide to hire their teachers so late in the hopefully tomorrow i will know more : ) the kids start school thursday....

freaking out a little

so i called hr this morning and the lady was really rude and didn't know now i have to wait for some other lady to call me back...i really hope i have this job....

It almost time...

to house is almost done, there are still a few thing that need to be done but i will have them done by September. So if you know me, keep the first weekend in september open : )

i think i go back to school tomorrow...i say i think because i still haven't signed any papers...but i'm going to call tomorrow morning and find out what the scoop is. hopefully i can go up there tomorrow sign my papers and then hit all of my schools...well, actually i hope i can find out what 3 schools i'm going to be at first...but i'm not panicked : ) everything will work out...

The Dude: I could be just sitting at home with pee stains on my rug.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

sometimes its best if you just don't answer the phone

*****today i got asked out******
(trust me, this is not a good thing : )

I had this revelation in church this morning...steve was talking about things that keep you tied up in your life.... i started thinking about what he was talking about and remembered something that made me realize things work out like they are supposed to....something happened to me a while ago that was upsetting so i went and got some the process i figured out what was behind my low self esteem and other had nothing to do with the problem at hand....and once i knew what it was exactly and how i could handle it, it made a world of i feel like i can put all of that stuff behind me and have been working towards making myself a better person...just for me and for the most part i feel really good about myself, and i don't let what people say get to me like it used to (there are specific people that i am talking about...and if you are reading this you are not one of them : )...all of that confusing stuff to say that, that one bad thing happened and had it not i would not be where i am now and that i may have never gotten here...and when something like that happens again it won't be as hard....and i am a better person because of it...(everything happens for a reason : ) sorry if none of this makes sense, but it does to me : )

i haven't posted lyrics in a really long time so here are some....i've been listening to travis and i forget how much i like them...

Everyday in every way I’m falling Everything that everyone says turns me on/off Shine a light on me So that everyone can see That I wanna stay here indefinitely Time exists but just on your wrist so don’t panic Moments last and lifetimes are lost in a day So wind your watches down please ’cos there is no time to lose And I’m gonna stay here indefinitely And I wanna stay here so just let me be Now I can see the light circling round your reflection... And I’m gonna stay here indefinitely And I’m gonna stay here so just let me be Indefinitely, indefinitely, indefinitely Indefinitely, indefinitely, indefinitely

Saturday, August 13, 2005


Already i'm getting better at this code thing...there are still a few things that i can't figure out...but it will all take time....

my friend gave me the coolest things tonight...something that you put in your bath tub that holds a you can read while you take a bath...i'm very excited (yet again : )....i was going to use it tonight but this blog thing took me longer than i had planned...but its fun : ) expect many changes : 0

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until tomorrow....

Freaks and Geeks quote

"you don't have to be mean, just be a bitch"....

Friday, August 12, 2005

growing nerd....

first off, i went to the library today....i forgot how much i liked libraries (or maybe i never did like libraries because it meant that i was doing some homework assignment that i didn't want to be doing) well anyway...i like libraries made me feel like i could learn anything...everything i could possibly want to know was in a book if only i could find was exciting (i do realize the internet is like this too, but its just not the same : ) so i went to the library to find a book on html, so that i could work on my blog layout, make my blog more i could use both sides of my brain...its very interesting to me (this is where i'm becoming a growing nerd : ) you can see i've changed a few things but the possiblities are endless (once i learn more)....what is even more amazing is that i understand it...i understand the codes for color and for links....i look at my blog template and i can see what some of it is supposed to look like... (not all of it mind you, but i will : )

i guess there is a storm a brewin' and my computer is not liking it so i'm off...

Welcome Home...

Joey and Amanda...I for one am glad you are back and had a great time.. : )

I like the airport...its a great place to watch people and its fun to imagine where they have been or where they were can make up stories about who they met as they got off the makes me excited about finding someone to go traveling with...someone who is there at the airport excited to see me when i get home...

my brother works at the airport and because i was kind of early i got to go where the baggage handlers and plane cleaners go....i also got to ride on those fun little car things that hold the baggage and that moves the planes...that was pretty fun...

well, i think i'm going to the library (which i haven't been to in about 2 years...i guess that means i need a library card : )...the off to my favorite little hide away....

Wednesday, August 10, 2005


have you ever decided that you are going to clean...say the bedroom and you start cleaning (really cleaning, not just picking up) and about an hour later you look around and its worse then when you started....(if you haven't ever had this happen, you will : ) this is what i've decided life is has to get worse before it can get better....i guess if you don't have the bad stuff the good just isn't as good...

my dining room table and chairs rock...i'm on a black and white kick lately....

Tuesday, August 09, 2005


My teeth look great : )

Monday, August 08, 2005


I like ween...i'm not sure what happened to them but i'm going to find out...i've been listening to them today as i'm painting....i'm working on my kitchen table and chairs right now...and i'm here to tell you oil based paint is the worst smell in the world : ) but its the best for furniture : )

i did some school supply shopping today...i love school supplies...

I've been reading a blog and i stole these questions from him because i thought they were funny : )

Who was the first person to look at a cow and say, "I think I'll squeeze these dangly things here, and drink whatever comes out!"

Why do people point to their wrist when asking for the time, but don't point to their crotch when they ask where the bathroom is?

If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?

Good News

I'm not moving....

I'm not going to live in a box either....

I'm not going to write the blog i had in mind about karma....

my friend teri and i went to see sisterhood of the traveling pants this afternoon...this is a very good movie but very emotional...i cried several the end everything is happy and good and it just leaves you with an overall good feeling...after the movie, i notice i had a missed call from a weird number...i listen to my voice mail and its okc schools offering me a elementary school traveling string job....i was so happy i started crying again and smothered teri with a big i called right away and accepted need to ask me everything worked out...then we went and had dinner with the sisterhood of traveling locus....

Before all of this happened my dad took me to my favorite restaurant to eat was awesome...the wasabi in the soy sauce is a marvelous idea...all around a very good day...and we are trying again tomorrow to get my teeth right....

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another trip quote....

whose shining dads apples now..

Saturday, August 06, 2005


Thursday, August 04, 2005

messed up

this is a messed up video of the beatles song maxwell's silver hammer

enjoy : )


i kind of panicked today...but things are much better...thank you to my friends : )

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heres a picture from camp that i like... : )

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

job and other things

so i found out tonight that there were 4 people that interviewed for the classen (of course)...a lady that tried to question me on how to play cello (i've been playing for 18 years and she's never taken a lesson)....a guy who is right out of college...and then someone from tulsa ( i know nothing about him)....although i could be totally wrong i feel my odds have increased in getting this job but i'm not going to hold my breath....tomorrow i will try to meet with the principal and i'm going to ask him if we will know on Friday about the job...because also tomorrow i have another job interview...its with a private christian school, starting a "string" program...unfortunately this would not be a full time position, they of course need to know ASAP...but they said that would wait until friday before hiring someone else...which i thought was really cool...

i've just joined a book club...a friend called me last night and asked if i would be interested and i've always wanted to be in a book club so i was like "heck yes" i am now reading the secret life of bees....i'll keep you posted...

i didn't go to dallas tonight...i got called into work so i ended up staying here to make some money...but all is good...

Pics from the great state of colorado

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Quote of the day (from the trip ; )

"so you're sick? DO YOU HAVE DIARRHEA!"

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

craft craze

so i've done some killer things with my room so far...this project is going to take longer than i had expected because my whole color system is being over turned...but when it is'm in craft mode, so if anyone needs anything made nows the time : )

"how did your interview go?" you ask

well, i think it went really didn't really take to long and i thought i made myself look really good...there are more people than i expected interviewing for the position but we should all know on Friday...i interviewed with 4 people and 1 think it was an orchestra student....i'm not exactly sure if the band guy liked me but i think everyone else did...i didn't get to meet the principal, he had left before my interview so i have to go back on Thursday and meet him...why he wasn't in the interview i don't know...but whatever...i'll keep everyone posted...i did get a couple more job leads today so if this one doesn't work out at least i'm not up shit creek without a paddle... : )

i think i'm going to dallas tomorrow night...i haven't really decided yet, i'm supposed to go play with kc clifford...i'll think about it and decide before 2 o'clock would be fun just to take a little road trip by myself but it would also mean that i'm driving home late at night by myself...not that i haven't done that before but....maybe i should go so i can "practice" and i'm not talking about cello : )

Quote from the trip...

"we had to clean the walls with pneumonia" : )

i won't tell you who said it but you are free to guess...


I finally got ahold of someone from classen this morning....after trying about 30 or so times in the last week....but of course the person who was setting up interviews was not there...Fortunately for me she called around 10:00 and set up an interview with me at 3:00 today...which means in about 2.5 hours i will be interview for the job that i really want...needless to say, my stomach is in knots : ) it will all be will all be will all be okay....

Monday, August 01, 2005


Well, we are back from our trip and we had a wonderful time....i'm actually assuming that my friends did, but i know for sure that i did...colorado is great, i think i would move there...but really what this trip has done is inspired me to visit all 50 states...i've been to several states but i believe that i need to go see them all...i haven't made a check list yet but they will be coming soon : )

sufjan stevens was awesome, i think it was better than i expected...he played drums for the opening chick....and did really well...he had 8 people in his band and they all came on stage in cheerleading uniforms...they even did several cheers for us....he hopes by the end of the season "we will have made district" : ) most of his songs where from the new album...illinois...we were the first two people in line, that has never happened before....the concert was sold out and there were about 30 or so people looking for guy was "desperate", he had some story about how how bad he wanted to see sufjan and he would pay $55 for a ticket and "do a dance"....well after being in the theatre awhile this guy comes in...he had gone to where sufjan was eating and told him his story and sufjan put him on his guest list...what a cool guy sufjan is (even though the guy should have bought his tickets months ago, like the rest of us : ) I didn't get to take pictures at the concert : ( but i'm sure i will be going again (ASAP) and will take pictures then : )

there are several other things that we did why we were gone but i think i will space them out....that will give me blogging material for a while : )

i've been working on re-doing my bedroom...this room is going to take the longest but i've never been truly inspired by it...but i think it is going to look really cool when i'm done...but i've decided that i'm going to have a party at the end of august, it will be a look at me newly decorated house and (hopefully) a back to school party...and i've never really had a party at my house and i think its about time...