Sunday, June 25, 2006

Although this article was written 5 years ago, its is still distrubing to see that the world is like my readings for my sociology class i am learning a lot about poverty and what is going on in the world and its even more disturbing....after i finish taking these test i'm going to post a did you know list....things that i find highly disturbing....i end this post with one right now!!

did you know that 1/2 of the worlds population are considered at poverty level...and most of those are children....1/2 the world is a lot of people!!

Friday, June 23, 2006

Matt 18:2-5

He called a little child and had him stand among them. And he said: I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me.

This week at camp I had a group of 7-10 year olds!! They were full of life and adventure!! They wanted to try everything and it didn't matter what it was great and they would find a way to have fun!! And trust me we did have fun!! The one thing i love about the little kids is their ability to love, and to be loved!! They love everyone and they trust without having to know why!! How hard is it to be an adult like, i can't even tell you!! It hard after life starts knocking you down to keep that trust in people and even in God...and we are very much a people that have to know why and how and how is that going to benefit me!! One thing that i found outstanding about this last week is that the last two days it rained!! Thursday it was when they were getting to camp and it wasn't raining hard but it looked like it could rain for a while.... in our morning "family time" i asked the girls to pray for something that they wanted for the day....most of them asked that the rain would stop and the sun would come out!! Well, sure enough it did and it didn't rain a drop the rest of the day!! Today, when the superhero "father nature" came started raining and let up for a while then started pouring!! Our group then got together and prayed that the rain would stop and the sun would come out!! Sure enough...the rain stopped and the sun came out and the rest of the day was great!! Some of you may be thinking...well that just oklahoma and thats how it works but i have a hard time believing that!! These girls who didn't know how to "pray properly" knew that all they had to do was ask and ask for anything and not worry about what anyone thought and they knew...just knew that what they ask for would happen!! That to me is having faith of a child...that to me is one of the hardest things ever!!

Monday, June 19, 2006 i need to go to bed and i'm about to but i thought i would let you all know that i posted a few of the pictures i have from the wedding (the kluge wedding that is) on my jenn's pic blog!! I have more and when i'm not running for the busiest person in the world i will post them!!

I have made a summer goal....i want to be able to run a mile without stopping by the end of the summer!! i went out tonight and about died!! : ) I think thats just because my body was tired and my legs didn't want to move!! but i will do it again tomorrow and they will start getting used to this whole running this : )...

Also...a goal for this week (only the weekdays) is not to eat anything sweet that isn't a 100 calories or less : )...this is going to be hard for me but i eat to many sweets!! But i did find something that goes well with raw carrots (warning: you all are going to think its gross)....brown (spicy) mustard....very good with carrots who knew, not so good with tomatoes!! (i told you everyone would think it was gross!! )

Well, i must sleep so that i can get up and study!! hooray!!

Monday, June 12, 2006

I'm just letting everyone know of the insanity that is myself!! I must sleep now for i must get up early in the starts tomorrow and i'm very excited!! At some point (when i can find enough time) i will post pictures of Steve and Theresa's wedding...but note, that may not be until after August 1st!! : )

Saturday, June 10, 2006

i just want everyone to know that the best thing ever invented by man was the pedicure!! it was truly outrageous!! : ) and also jem is truly truly truly outrageous!!

Friday, June 09, 2006

I had forgotten:

how much textbooks are

what its like to spend three hours on one chapter and still not finish (i probably never did that : )

what it feels like to be overwhelmed by being behind (already)

to have to read a hell of a lot

how your brainhurts because you cram so much info into it

but i'm loving it!! i'm taking 4 online classes this summer...which is going to keep me busier than i first expected but its okay!! once i get through what is due this weekend i will be caught up and it will be much better....i need good grades in all of these classes. i've got 3 psychology classes and 1 sociology class. its weird to me how different i find studying and wanting to learn....this is something i didn't have when i was at UCO!! : )

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

I'm working at shiloh summer camp this summer!! I worked there last year and i had forgotten how much i love it!! When you love something you always have a fond memory or funny stories or a special place in your heart but its not until you go back and start doing it again that you realize how great it actually is!! We had a work day today and i got to meet new people and see old friends and hang out with some of my favorite people!! it was just awesome, and in a setting where you don't have to be afraid of who you are...and i know next week there will be kids there that may not like me or may love me but whoever they are, they need me to be there for them and that is what i believe God has called us to there for those who need those who can't help themselves!! this is my driving factor into why i've decided to change my career path...which may possibly have to wait a little longer than i thought but we will see!! I often times want there to be more people out there who are willing to go out of their comfort zone and help those who need it and i don't understand most of the time why we don't!! but this is a whole other topic that i'm sure i will get on soon!! be prepared : )

If you are interested to see what shiloh is all about....we are having an "open house" of sorts on Saturday from 11:00-3:00...the stringents will be playing at 11:00 and it is $5 for as many people as you can fit in your car!! There will be food and horses and zip lines and all kinds of fun stuff to do!! I will post more specifics soon!!

Sunday, June 04, 2006

this is me and my friend brandy at her wedding yesterday...lets just say that the whole thing was quite interesting....the fact that brandy had a wedding at all is quite interesting but this wedding i believe topped all that i've been to...and again, i have been to a lot of weddings. i drive all the way to tulsa....get there an hour early and forgot my out to the middle of nowhere and can't find anything to do except for the kum and i bought "glamour" and sat outside the gas station for 45 minutes until its time to go to the wedding!! I get there and there is no one i know there!! no one at all except the bride...kind of a weird feeling!! the wedding lasted a total of 5 minutes...yes, ceremony and everything 5 minutes!! then we had to wait at the chapel for an hour until it was time to go to the i sit there and look cute, because thats what i'm good at : ) i get to the reception and here is the food...chips and salsa, relish tray, veggie tray, meatball, hot wings, and little smokies, and fruit from a can!! it was a little on the red neck side of things...not that i minded its just weird for a wedding!! just thinking about it makes me laugh...but the cake was good!! : )

Friday, June 02, 2006

I made a little money today selling my crap!! : ) So now i'm at home thinking about taking a nap!! I don't need to take a nap and should go do something productive like exercise or clean or something!! And at some point i should go buy a wedding present for a wedding i have to go to tomorrow!! But i think i'm going to put that off until the morning : ) I have my SNU interview on Tuesday to get into grad school...its a 2 hour interview! All the sudden i'm a little freaked out...i think that may be the same day that i'm supposed to start my online classes too!! If at the interview that laugh at me and point i think i may drop my classes : ) I didn't get the Bethany job and am taking it as a sign not to teach!! So i'm going to be looking for something new...not sure what yet and i haven't really looked hard but i'm going to start...i could even do that rather than take a nap...probably won't happen!! Instead, i'm going to go tanning...i have to look good in a dress next week : ) I might even do some sit ups after that...but we'll see : ) One of my summer reading projects is all 5 books from the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy...i've started reading the first one and its pretty funny!! Also saw X-men 3 last, i like it a lot...i think i may like it better than the 2nd one...i haven't seen the first in so long i'm not sure about that one!! I do recommend seeing it though...

Thursday, June 01, 2006

I went to bed really really early...i wasn't really feeling well!! but now its almost 1 am and i'm awake...i've been looking at vintage dresses online!! There are a lot of really cool website for vintage clothes...tomorrow i'm going to venture to the vintage clothing store in town...if you have never been there its a pretty cool store.
I'm thinking that it could be time for me to try to sleep again!! i've got to go price garage sell stuff in the morning...let me tell you...i lead an exciting life full of mystery and wonder!! : )