Sunday, September 11, 2005


i've decided that i'm going back to school....don't know where yet...and i've decided that i'm going to go into psychology, this is something that i've been toying with for a while and steve green kind of gave me the inspiration...when i know more, i'll let you know : )

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i was talking to a friend tonight about men and women....about how women are becoming more independent, how we are trying to take on the "roles" of men and taking on to men are now kind of losing their "roles", such as providing for a family....are men intimidated by this "independent" women....i've decide that society has created this need for women to go out and do it all, but i don't think its a good thing...i think we were created to feed off of each as a team, all have our own fortes to make life work....we need the nurturer and we need the bread winners...never in our lives (i believe) will women and men be "equal", meaning that we can all do the exact same things with the same ability (repetitive i know : ).... and i don't think it should ever be that way...i'm not saying that women should stay in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant, or that men should be workaholics to make a great home for his wife and family....maybe i'm saying that women need to stop focusing on competing with men and start focusing on what we are good at...women are better at certain things than men and men are better than women at certain things and i say deal with it : ) i have no idea why i went off on this....(and all of this coming for a girl whose grandmother said "you will never get married because you are to independent". you got to love my grandma : )

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