Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Mouse in the House

So, for a few months we have been having problems with mice. I think they are truly gross but they come with home owning i am told.

So last night, cody was talking to his dad on the phone, and he comes down and tells me Oreo has a mouse in her mouth....and that she was just playing with it. All night you could hear Oreo running all over the room looking for that mouse. We were getting ready for bed and i was in the rest room and when i walk back into the room, cody says.....go get me an empty cup from the other room (he was sitting with his feet up, on the corner of the bed) i go and the mouse is sitting in some of his clothes...he puts the cup on it, while Oreo was trying to play with it....we got some paper to place under the cup and then we took the mouse outside. It was an eventful evening :)

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