Thursday, March 09, 2006

So lets see....

today i met someone who had the same sense of humor i had...this is very rare and i dare say it will never happen again!!! I have kind of an odd sense of humor...i usually only crack myself up...but if you can't laugh at yourself, then your just to damn serious!!!

i got a tetanus shot arm is just starting to feel like it may fall off! not good, not good indeed!!!

i am extremely tired...i woke up about 3:30 this morning and didn't get back to sleep until about 5:30 and then was awaken again by my alarm at i didn't get much sleep!! but the two hours i was awake gave me time to find the 12 hours of psychology classes that i need to take this summer...and they are all online courses....i just need to check and make sure that will work with the school i'm going to be going to and life is grand....

we leave for new orleans on sunday at "o god thirty"...which just means its really really early...i'm excited to be going...i think this will for sure be a learning experience for me, and hopefully a growing experience...

tomorrow morning pat leaves...which will be nice...i will have the house to myself for two days before i take off...then after spring break its all down hill...things always move faster after spring break...i've got a perfect plan for how next year will work...with going to school and working and all that fun jazz...i just have to wait for one element to happen and then i would be set...we'll see if it happens....i'm not to worried about it at this point...but come may, well, we'll see!!

okay...i think its my bed time...actually maybe bath time...that sounds like more fun!! hopefully i will write more before i leave and i do really intend on audio blogging while i'm gone, but i won't promise anything : )

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