Tuesday, July 17, 2007

snape is good!

Okay...obviously i'm getting really really excited about the next and last harry potter book! so today i've been reading some theories for book 7 and have a few of my own...so i'm going to share them with all of my blog friends :)

1. as my subject states, i don't believe snape is working for voldemort...i think that dumbledore convinced snape to kill him for some reason...

2. and the reason that i'm beginning to like for his killing dumbledore is that dumbledore has put some sort of protection over harry by dying....something like what lillie did.

3. i don't think harry is going to die (although according to cody that would be the only way to make a GREAT book, i sometimes think he smokes stuff when i'm not around :) although i do believe that ron or hermonie dies and that just makes me extremely upset so i'm not thinking about it!

4. i think dracos mom (narcissa) will give up her life for draco's life

5. neville will avenge his parents by killing bellatrix lestrange, jkr uses the sympathy card to much when talking about neville for him not to avenge his parents

6. dumbledore is dead but is not gone, he will come back weather its in portraits of himself or as a ghost but he will help out harry somehow (even jkr said something about she was having a hard time with fitting dumbledore in the writting of the 7th book)

7. harry is not a horcrux and neither is neville (this theory just seems really absurd to me :) (but the fact that i'm writing out theories for an upcoming harry potter book is pretty absurd too :)

8. draco will have a chance to kill harry, ron or hermonie and won't do it, abandoning the dark side, but i don't think he will come straight over to the good side :)

9. pettigrew (wormtail) owes his life to harry and will somehow repay that

10. harry doesn't have enough knowledge to kills voldemort by himself...there is going to have to be someone that will help him.

i tend not to care about the "relationship" and wedding stuff...so i'm really good with whatever happens there.

i do have a question though...jkr states that there are two main characters that die in the 7th book....what is her definition of a main character i wonder...i think most people are thinking it will be two from harry, ron, hermonie and hagrid...i agree that those are important main character but we know that either voldemort or harry have to die...so there is one out of the way....and really the other main character can be from the "dark side"...lucious and draco malfoy are just as main character as hargid in my book....

THIS IS A SPOILER page that i believe is totally wrong but i'm posting here anyway :) spoiler

and guess what...a theme park

never say never

i'm sure that there will be more harry potter to come this week as we get closer to the book... :) and i've had A LOT of free time today, being as the computer system at work in on the fritz, i'm bored out of my mind though! :)

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