Monday, February 12, 2007

2 blogs in one day...what is the world coming to...well, i'm pretty damn bored at the moment! So i thought i'd let you guys in on some of the new music that i've been listening to...

Yo La Tengo has a new cd out "i am not afraid of you and i will beat your ass": this, hands down, is much better than the last album they put out, "summer sun" which i was really excited about because the album before that "and then nothing turned itself inside-out" is on my top album list. But alas, summer sun sucked ass and i was scared about their new one. But they have proven that they don't suck. It's got the same laid back vibe as "and then nothing turned" with a little more rockin' feel. They used less "noise" and even shorten their songs which probably makes this album more listener friendly. Most of you won't like Yo La Tengo, and thats okay but I do enjoy it!

The Decemberist "The Cranes Wife"...holy shit...this is by far the best decemberist album so far. It always gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside when the albums get better and not worse. Listen to this one with headphones or really loud while driving. Colin Meloy (lead singer) has a voice that you can't compare anyone to, and really its just hard to explain. They rock this album out a little more and they have such great the end of "The Island, come and see....." (track 2), the song changes left and right and then bam an awesome ending that makes you want to listen to all 12 minutes again just to hear the end! So, so good! The drummer of the decemberist, i would have his children, he is just awesome...but i've been on a bit of a drummer kick lately! (kick...haha! :) *trust me this is not a good thing*

Boy do i have more music to share with you but right now i'm listening to the 2nd track on the decemberist album and want to listen to it instead of write...i also have some show dates to throw out there...i will probably be going so if anyone want to join me when i post them let me know! :)

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