Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Okay, so continue a little bit of my discussion from yesterday:

Another cd that i've been really digging lately is the new TV on the Radio...Return to Cookie Mountian. I haven't heard a lot of them before...i have an older cd somewhere but obviously i wasn't so impressed because i don't remember it at all. The new cd has a little bit of a jazz feel in some songs. They get a bit "noisy" sometimes but i love it...it reminds me a bit of Wilco (when is wilco putting out a new cd???) They are playing in Dallas on April 4th and i am intending to go...if you pick up the cd and love it as much as i do..or just want a road trip for the night, come to this concert with me! :)

There is a band called the Annuals...which, somehow i found their myspace a while ago, put them in my favorites then never listened to them again...but i recently aquired their cd and am really digging it...they are playing at the Opolis, yes in Norman (i was shocked too! :) on March 13th. Its funny to me, when listening to their cd i feel at any moment in several songs they are going to just start screaming....but they don't. Some of the songs even have a bit of a classical feel to them...then a you should be screaming...then to a pop rock feel. I dig it! Maybe i'm just liking music with a lot of change in it these days...but that can't be totally it because the Fionn Regan is really simple folk stuff and thats working out just as well for me! huh...who knows! it is me!
I've always loved quotes and nothing has changed! So i will leave you all with some quotes :)
I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me. Noel Coward
I am an artist. I am here to live out loud. Emile Zola
Take care of the moments and the years will take care of themselves. Anon
The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining. JFK
The problem is not that there are problems. The problem is expecting otherwise and thinking that having problems is a problem. Theodore Rubin

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