Tuesday, August 07, 2007

a good site, girly band practice and other things :)

so something that is really fun is girly band practice...i've only really had band practice with tons of guys or co-ed...but an all girl band practice is great. first, they listen to what you say and they actually try it and don't pass your ideas off as stupid from the start! :) we can talk A LOT but still get a lot of practicing done too...which i know, is somewhat of a surprise to some! :) and we talk about things that girls talk about...life girly issues...its good times.

also, thank you so much mike for your support of my music this weekend. it means a lot to me.

okay, i don't know if all of you know how cody and i met...and if you do you can skip this part and i promise i'm not going to get to girly here....but i feel like i should put a plug in for all of those who are looking for someone. we met on match.com...i know i know..."an internet site that supported by dr phil"...most of you are probably saying...i don't think so, and for a while i did too, but i thought...what the hell, at least i can meet new people if all else fails. and let me know tell you, meet new people i did. i probably went on 10 first dates...and it was somewhat dis-heartening when none of them really never called back. but i decided to keep going. there was even one guy who i thought was it...he was the one for me, a musician and he was totally into me (and we actually went out more than once in one weekend but it didn't last more than that weekend) and i was heart broken when it wasn't him. but i kept going out with people and talking to them through e-mail. i actually talked to cody for about a month through e-mail before he got the nerve up to ask me out. after the first meeting i wasn't really convinced. i thought, well, if he asks me out again, i'll go but i really wasn't that into him. so he asked me out a week later and we've been together ever since...there was a point that i told some friends, that i was giving him 30 days and if i didn't feel any different than i was going to tell him....well, its been nearly six months now and we will be together for many, many years to come and all because of match, and i love my cello carrier :)...so there is my story. :)
(btw, cody doesn't know the part about me giving him 30 days...so lets not mention it! hehe!)


Mike said...

Not to be all transactional, because friendship is far from that...but, Jenn you've shown up at SO MANY Grandpa Griffith shows! It's nice to be able to return the support every now and then.

But I can't even keep up with you!

It was fun seeing you play in both groups. I think you need to find a girly upright bass player for Lisa and the Triplets. (If you did that, would it then be called "Lisa and the Quadruplets?)

Amanda Fortney said...

i didn't realize you had a blog! i just found out mike had one and saw yours on the side! come visit mine...i just started a new book blog: www.abookisagarden.blogspot.com. i have a harry potter post too. there is a link to my blog for eli on there too if you want to see a ridiculous amount of posts and pictures of him. :)