Friday, February 24, 2006

I'm going to bore you with some classical music talk...being as i am a cellist a big part of my life has been focused around classical music....although my musical focus is not on classical music at the moment, it has been in the past and i still love it!!...and i'm missing playing classical music right moves me in ways other music can't....tonight theresa and i went to the library book sale at the fair was fun, i love books (which is blog in progress) but i got stuck tonight at the vinyl (for a really long time...again, sorry theresa)...i bought several, at 50 cents who wouldn't....i started listening to them and it just makes me happy...i was listening to some beethoven symphonies and beethoven makes me on my favorites is the 4th movement from the 5th symphony....everyone and even there dogs know the first movement, but the 4th movement is better : )....i swear it takes him 5-7 minutes to end the think its about to end then he adds something else...then you think its about to end and he adds something me this just makes me laugh every time i hear it...maybe you just have to be me in all of my nerdyness but its really funny....i bought some other stuff and i'm not going to go into all of it for you for fear that no one will ever read this blog again...but i also love string of my all time favorites is the american string quartet by dvorak...i have a special place in my heart this piece...i was in high school at band camp (okay, it was an orchestra/art camp : )...the faculty string quartet was playing it at a recital and i don't think i've listened to anything more intently in my life....i loved every single note...this is where i started growing to love live music of all types...there is just so much more emotion in seeing and hearing things live then on a recording...i like seeing the musicians love for what they do or the song they wrote....and one of these days i will find some other string players who will perform the american quartet it with me : ) thing i love about dvorak is that his cello lines are awesome...this is what i'm listening to as i write this blog...dvorak has always been one of my favorite composers...his string serenade i love too...and who doesn't love the new world symphony....okay, i'm almost done i promise : )....two things everyone should probably know about me....when (or i should say if : ) i get married, i will be walking down the isle to griegs hall of the mountian king (if anyone steals this brilliant idea, i will hurt you : )...and i want to name my little girl (assuming i have one) after one of the holst planets (and it would probably end up being a middle name : )...i'll just let you ponder that one : )...okay, okay i'm done!!! if you read all of this, thanks for indulging me : )


kluge girl said...

I know which one!:)

Anonymous said...

will it be uranus?

Mike said...

Isn't there a Dvorak cello concerto that is kind of like a standard?

jenn said...

why yes...there is a concerto by dvorak that is a standard and extremely hard!!! i did find a recording of that on vinyl too!!

uranus :) i may be weird but i'm not that weird!!! :)