Saturday, January 24, 2009

So it helps that people are getting into blogging, either again or just starting. I like to blog and there are often times i think....i should blog that and i forget or just never do. But now that more people are doing it again, i'm getting better. I did notice today that i have blogged a lot about school lately so i hope i don't complete bore you!!

Recently...Cody hooked up our computer to our new TV. I can honestly say it is super cool. First...we can watch programs on If you haven't been to that site i highly recommend it. It has lots of movies and TV shows that you can watch for free...with very little to no commercials!

Last night we went as saw Inkheart....the movie i blogged about a few post ago. It was pretty good! I suggest you watch the movie before you read the book...the movie won't be as disappointing then. Most of the movie was really good...then it got to the end and it they changed some things that weren't bad but weren't as good as the book! I do recommend seeing it!

But the movie i HIGHLY recommend seeing is Slumdog Millionaire. Cody went in telling me it was a feel good movie....about half way through i turned to him and was like "what is so feel good about this movie" :) It did get more feel good towards the end but i truly think it was the best of the year! At least the ones i've seen!


Whitney said...

yay for blogging! :)

Kellie said...

I'd like to go see SlumDog Millionaire but since I have this theatre anxiety, I change my mind all the time about going to see movies. :)