Tuesday, January 10, 2006

so i've been blogging for almost a year now...i thank all of my loyal readers for putting up with my nonsense...today i went through the last year...its weird to go back and read what happened...a lot of it feels like it was 5-10 years ago and then there are some events that feel like it was yesterday.....its also kind of interesting to see all of the changes i've been through...and see how i made it through alive : ) anyway a little reflection...

tomorrow is wednesday...as most people know : ) i hate wednesdays...i need to come up with something to syke myself out...something that will help me get through the first part of my day without going insane...sometimes its good to play mind games with yourself : )

everyone needs to come to the kaleo service at exactly 6:00 on sunday....the stringents are going to be there and we would like to have people to play for....we would love you forever and ever amen...

i don't know about anyone else but i'm getting more and more excited about the upcoming grandpa griffith album...if you haven't heard the update go to mikes page....very very cool....

i hate internet explorer...i know i'm sounding like ryan here but damn it sucks....i'm having to use it because firefox keeps doing something weird to my blog...(which would make a logical person think that i should hate firefox, but no : )...something that i could do on firefox is taking me twice as long on internet explorer....blah...

alright i should try to sleep tonight...i haven't been doing a lot of that lately and its starting to get to me...


Anonymous said...

are you or have you read the chronicles of narnia?

you played a tough game tonight. i hope you haven't puked your guts out.

jenn said...

i've read several of them but not all...

i didn't end up puking...but i did feel like i was going to die...i'm not sure why that game wore me out so much...hey, but we won and if i can ever learn to shoot i may score one day : )