Sunday, April 09, 2006

man...its intimidating to me to sit in a group of beautiful people who are beautiful both inside and out...i feel like a total outcast!! i feel something bad coming on!!! : )

anyway...i had a total view into my mind today...i sleep with no bed frame so my box springs are on the dinner tonight a group of friends and i were talking about fears and i started telling the story about when i was a kid...when i was little i feared that there were two men that had knives (they would have had to been swords : ) that were under my bed and would eventually stab me in my back through the as i was telling that i realized i sleep with my bed on the floor and wonder if my childhood fear (which obviously, i thought, i don't fear anymore) is the reason for this...things that make you go hmmmm : )

we were also talking about how we (as a society) have come up with things that have to be done a certian way...such as...wear your watch on your left arm...or wedding rings, the band on the certian side of the ring...this is a cello music thing, but i always got made fun of for putting my rock stop on a certian chair leg...i know that there are others that i'm not thinking of right at the moment but its weird how little things like that pop up and you realize that there is absolutely no reason why we have to wear our watch on the left arm...who cares really!! and why does it matter!! is anyone going to die???? why have we become a society that everything needs to be so absolute???? (i'm probably putting to much thought into this...i'm thinking about it more that i'm writing about

1 comment:

jöe said...

since childhood i have worn my watch on my right hand [i'm not left-handed] and have always caught hell about it. i have even tried switching, but it just feels wrong...i was just thinking about that today...funny.