Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Who wants to sleep on the lawn of the capital with me on Saturday night???

I know what you are thinking??? has this girl really gone this the end of her???? but i'm not insane..yet!!! So why are you going to sleep on the lawn of the capital????

Go to Invisible Children and see for yourself....i watched the movie about what is going on in Uganda, Africa...these children look exactly like the students i work with on a daily bases...they are the same age...they like the same things...except in Africa they are scared to death that they are going to get kidnapped by rebel soldiers who are trying to overthrough the government...the rebel leader has decided that its a good idea to get them while they are young and he is sending in his people in the middle of the night to take these children, bring them to the "bush", brainwash them, and get them ready to kill.... the ones that aren't able to do or aren't willing to "reform" he is killing or having children kill...the African children are scared (who won't be) walking miles and miles to places that the rebels won't go and sleeping on cement floors with hundreds of other kids, hundreds no kidding!! ...some of these children at 9 and 10 have left their families because its safer...what child should have to go through this!!!

So why the capital...all over this country on Saturday night people are walking to the capital (walking like the children there) to peacefully say to the government "do something, these kids need help"...camping out to show that there are people that care for people no matter what race or where they are in the world.

I know there are several groups walking and if you are interested in going let me know and i will fill you in...i will be going late due to prior commitments and if you would like to go but want to wait for me let me know that too!!

there is also a myspace.... you can check that out too, and become their friend!!

1 comment:

kluge girl said...

I showed the Invisible Children film in my leadership class, learn and serve class week. We gave out a free video and bracelet to a kid through a drawing. I am giving them service credit if they participate in this, and I have several students who are going to be there.:) The plight of the children of Uganda is abhorent, and unthinkable. I can't believe stuff like this goes on in the 21st century. If you haven't seen the video you really should. It entranced my kids for over an hour, and I had one student who went home and told her family about it and she cried while she told them--it really touched these kids.