Thursday, April 06, 2006

Well...i guess i haven't written anything in a while...i would say that nothing new is going on, but that would be a lie...there are tons of things going on in my life but nothing that can or needs to be blogged about : )...I guess i've just been in a self mood...i've been spending a lot of time with myself...which, i believe is good...i wouldn't say self reflection because i'm not thinking a whole lot just being alone...the wheels of life have started spinning again...things changing...decisions to be made and i'm just waiting for it to stop and see where i land...bad maybe, maybe i should be making these decisions and getting them going but i'm not exactly sure what all my options are at this point...once i know that then i will decide!! I'm truly excited about June...i am going to be able to get my life back in order about then...pat is going home and i can take down all the curtains i have hanging and unclutter the clutter that has become my life in the last year...i'm mainly just talking about my living space...i am sure that i will miss her once she is gone but being as i'm still young i will not be doing that again...maybe even ever : )

The stringents are going well...we have several things lined up in the next few months...the next one being this next Wednesday at a place downtown called Nonna's...we play from 7-10...we have some new music now so if you are sick of the old stuff at least you would hear a few new things : )

At the moment i've been listening to a lot of andrew bird, the stars and classical...i've been enjoying my hours at the red cup with my i-pod, journal and sudoku!! that seems to be one of the places recently that i fit : )

if this whole blog is coming off depressing..its not meant to be...i'm not depressed or upset about a matter of fact i'm pretty content with life right now...there are even many days of happiness!!

I am excited about the Grandpa Griffith show (CD release party!!) tomorrow night...i may have to go out and buy a new camera to take pictures...i know GG would be lost with out my pictures : )

Alright...enough of my nonsense!! I will try to blog more...i promise!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GG would be lost with out your pictures!!! I always consider taking pictures at the shows, but then I think, "Jenn's taking them already, and her's are always better than mine, so why bother?!" Thanks so much for doing that- you are the official GG Historian!!!
love you!