Thursday, May 12, 2005

i got to go back to the dentist today and have a stitch replaced...exciting stuff i tell you...i've never had a shot in my mouth before, and i can tell you i didn't like was not a gooder...but in a couple of months...i'm glad tomorrow is friday and that i only have a week and a day left of school...we finally have our meeting with the principal tomorrow...i'm really hoping i don't loose my job...i was talking to someone tonight and realized it would really suck if those kids had to have a teacher that didn't really care about them or teaching... i would kind of also hope that if they are going to fire me that they wouldn't have Mr. S in the room while they were talking to me about it....i have a few things to say and i wouldn't feel comfortable with him meeting is at 11:30, i will let you all know as soon as i know...i know you are all waiting with breathless anticipation : )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

*knocks on wood*