Sunday, May 29, 2005

Memorial day weekend

one of my all time favorite things to do on memorial day weekend is go to the paseo arts festival...its just a "bunch of hippies" : ) and it always seems to have more cool stuff then the regular arts festival to a friend and i went and walked around it was fun...then we went to size records and they still don't have the fruitbats...i wish crazy j's was still open : )

i have a hopeful job....i'm going to talk to people and turn in applications and things on tuesday...who knows if this works out it could be better than my old job....

i found one of the funniest debbie downer skit ...its funny to watch them not be able to keep it together : )


Anonymous said...

what's this possible job opportunity that you speak of? do tell.

Anonymous said...

Yes, do tell :)