Sunday, January 23, 2005

first post

Here goes nothing....i'm starting a blog to write about what i love, which is music....its one of those things that no matter how much, sometime, i would like to get rid of it, i just can' to me is the most universal of languages, you can pretty much communicate with anyone through music...and what other things can pull so much emotion out of people. when you are happy, sad or depressed there is music for you, any emotion...i know that is like, duh...but really think about there any else that can do that. I will start will telling you some of the best music, music that I can't seem to stop listening to. 1. Badly Drawn Boy 2. Bright Eyes 3. Sigur Ros 4. Elliott Smith 5. Radiohead (some people will think they are getting to popular to listen to, but what they do with music just amazes me) Okay, there are a lot more, but my mind is wondering to much, so i will stop and write more later....

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