Monday, January 24, 2005


Don't you hate it when you think you are finally getting your life in order and you talk to a friend and they fuck up your world. Sometimes I wonder if a life in music is worth it at all. I'm trying to figure out if Oklahoma can handle a cool music venue that brings in music that is not heard on the radio? Would something like that make it in Oklahoma? It would be a battle, is it worth fighting? Would it be better to go somewhere else, that values the arts especially music? But are these places that value music to over run with music to make it worth the while?
There has only been one really cool radio station in Oklahoma and it failed : ( Is there hope for a cool music venue? decisions....I just know that I'm not meant to be a teacher forever...I also promise not all of my post will be like this one : ) I will leave this post with a writing that I wrote a while ago......A million miles from no where, with time to kill but none to spare, to stay seems inevitable waiting for what time will only tell.

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