Saturday, January 29, 2005


A group of us went last night and saw a documentary on Robert Moog, who was the inventor of the moog synthesizer. Pronounced mow-g and not moo-g. (i didn't know that) It was really good, it just amazes me that anyone can build something like that or even come up with the idea....but he did and someone had to come up with the idea for everything we have. His first moogs where really interesting to me...they had many wires coming out of the top and i think it would just be fun to go in and start moving wires and see what kind of cool things you could come up with. It seems like you could come up with a endless amount of sounds. But maybe those wires aren't just for sounds....i don't know, but it would be fun to find out. Bob was an interesting guy, and he wore cool t-shirts. He seemed to live a pretty simple life, but i would think that he has quite a bit of money. He played the Theremin.....which i was just thinking about the other day, in regards to chad and my new project. I have some friends that have actually built one, so i looked last night for plans to build a theremin but i haven't found what i'm looking for. There are Theremin building kits but i know that they didn't build it from a kit. A lot of what I read said they were hard to build, but i don't believe that either. If my friend can build a theremin, so can i. But I will find what I need and build one..... Something I thought was also cool about Bob, was that he respects the musician. I don't think the moog has reached its peak yet....which reminds me of a part in the movie where some musicians were talking about making music and how it was like a sexual experience, you had your foreplay, your climax and then your after math,they went into it more in the movie, which made it funnier, but i would guess that it would be the same kind of thing : ) .....I think that there is so much that you can do with the moog that hasn't really been tried yet, People will start using it more and coming up with ways to make it cool in all kinds of music, not just the electronic sounding things. I think it would be fun to trying run it through different sound moduals and see what happens. I bet you could come up with a lot of fucked up stuff.

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