Friday, January 28, 2005

two favorite things

Two of my a favorite things are joining....which i am very excited about. Jonny Greenwood (radiohead) is going to be in the upcoming Harry Potter movie. Very, very cool. He is going to be in a band called the wierd sisters. The fourth book is my favorite too, except that i cry at the end everytime...yes, i've read all the Harry Potter books more than once. The new Harry Potter book is coming out on July 16th. I can't wait, its strange but the one thing that I really want to know is how Harry did on his OWLS. Not if voldemort is going to kill anyone else, or who is going to show up in this book, or even if there is more info on Sirius and how he died. i'm a dork like that though. I think God got really busy the day he decided to give me to my family. I'm sure that he wanted me to be British and something came up and he accidently sent me to America : ) Alot of my favorite things come from the UK.

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