Monday, April 25, 2005

for my listening enjoyment

WILCO tonight.....and for the listening enjoyment of everyone else who is there.....this is going to rock....

4 more weeks of school until summer....thank goodness....this week is going to drag on and on for me....the kids don't want to be playing and i don't blame them...all of the sudden i've turned into psycho bitch teacher....okay not to all of my students but to the ones who are pissing me off : ) But this weekend we are going to have tons of fun...i'm trying to make myself believe this...tons of fun will be had...tons of fun will be had...i am kind of excited about getting to ride rollercoasters...i like to do that....i can't see is really weird...i was conducting this piece that chances times a lot and i wasn't sure if i was in the right beat or not...hopefully my vision will be restored before tonight : ) Maybe i should go get my eyes looked at...hum..that sounds like the good thing to do : ) i have something that i'm doing on wednesday, that i'm not going to go into any details, but i really, really don't want to do....the more and more i think about it the more and more i want to throw up or cry...but i will go through with it because, this is what people do and it will be good for me...(i roll my eyes)

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