Tuesday, November 29, 2005

have you figured it out yet?

its been a while since i posted...but here i am...i'm finally feeling better after about 3 weeks of this, whatever it is...i still can't really hear but as a music teacher, i don't need to hear.... : ) actually it probably works out better like this...i'm so not really wanting to go to work, but we've got 3 weeks and 1 day until Christmas break...YES!!!...i'm so ready, even though we just got back from a break (holiday)...it looks like my siblings and i may be going to london this summer...i really, really hope so, i've wanted to go to london for a long, long time....maybe this is why i haven't written anything in a couple of days....i have nothing to say : ) but i thought i would write...i'll leave you with an e-mail a friend of mine sent me...

The Center for Disease Control has issued a warning about a new virulent
strain of Sexually Transmitted Disease.

This disease is contracted through dangerous and high risk behavior. The
disease is called Gonorrhea Lectim (pronounced "gonna re-elect him").

Many victims have contracted it after having been screwed for the past 4
years, in spite of having taken measures to protect themselves from this
specially troublesome disease.

Cognitive sequelae of individuals infected with Gonorrhea Lectim include,
but are not limited to:

anti-social personality disorder traits; delusions of grandeur with a
distinct messianic flavor; chronic mangling of the English language; extreme
cognitive dissonance; inability to incorporate new information; pronounced
xenophobia; inability to accept responsibility for actions; exceptional
cowardice masked by acts of misplaced bravado; uncontrolled facial smirking;
ignorance of geography and history; tendencies, toward creating evangelical
theocracies; and a strong propensity for categorical, all-or-nothing behavior.

The disease is sweeping Washington, trailer parks, and the red states.
Naturalists and epidemiologists are amazed and baffled that this malignant
disease originated only a few years ago from a Bush in Texas.


jöe said...


Anonymous said...

very nice.


Anonymous said...

oops, i accidentally commented as anonymous...sorry.

jenn said...

thanks amanda : )