Tuesday, November 01, 2005

sometimes i can be...

a complete airhead..i played a performance tonight at some church...(i'm never sure anymore where i play, i just get directions and go)...i decided to leave my phone and my purse in the car so that i wouldn't forget to turn my cellphone off (which, so far i've never done but i'm paranoid)....so i get everything out of my car, then smash my hand in the door (good thing it was my bow hand : )...close the door, then i realize i had just locked my keys and my cell phone in the car....i think i have done this about three time this year (i'm not sure many people can say that : )

i decided two things tonight during the performance...
1. i really love when choir can sing in tune (this one couldn't : )

2. i really hope there are other choices other than harp in heaven...i just really don't ever want to play that instrument...

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Friday Friday Friday (november 4)

for all you griffithites...grandpa griffith is playing at galileos and has the possibility of being the best show ever!!!! (i really know nothing about what is going on, if anything, but i'm sure its going to be the best show ever!!!!)

Friday Friday Friday (november 11)

for all of you who missed the first stringents performance....its time for you to come out to galileos...we will be playing about 30-45 minutes : )

1 comment:

Michel D said...

I like that pic.