Tuesday, November 15, 2005

I need to grow balls...

there are times when i need to stick up for myself and i just can't do it...i know that i'm right but for some reason i can't make myself start conflict....i really dislike conflict, its just not in my nature...

i also really hate wednesdays, i hate waking up knowing that i have to go to a school where i'm going to be treated as a babysitter rather than a teacher...I really like Tuesdays though...I had a good day at school...actually i had a good day all around...I got to start teaching with instruments at one school today and that was really nice...the kids were really excited and they tend to respect you more when what you have been saying actually happens (like we will have instruments soon : ) we did nothing but learn how to hold them today and it was very nice...then i have two great classes at my other school with kids that really want to be there and really want to learn...they want to be in honors strings and they talk about it all the time...i've decided elementary school is not really my cup of tea...i just feel i work better in middle school or high school. I think its that you don't do much with elementary strings programs...i'll probably work on holding instruments for 3-4 weeks because they only come once a week...and i have heard jingle bells twice a day, 5 days a week, for two weeks now....it gets a little un-nerving at times...although i will say that the kids are great at the elementary level...they are very trusting and love unconditionally...which you don't find in the older grades....

i then went and served food to government housing people...that was really fun...then i went to a (what i'm calling) change the world meeting : ) over all a good day, good day....

Friday night is 100% for sure...
9:00 the stringents (and we will start at 9 : )
i think we are going to try to plug in so that will be better and we will be playing a few different songs...so if you came last Friday it won't be the exact same : )
around ten will be KC Clifford, who i will also be playing with

my dad gave me a record player for my birthday (i know its not my birthday yet, but this is what my family does)....i don't really have any records but i'm excited to start purchasing some...i did steal some from him, so i've listened to down under by men at work a few time : )

okay enough...i'm going to stop...

this movie comes out November 23rd...I'm truly excited...this is probably my favorite musical right now..don't go with me if you don't want to hear me sing the whole movie (just kidding, i probably will only lip sing) click the poster to see the trailer...


Michel D said...

You're going to have a busy movie watching schedule with Goblet this week and Rent next week.

Busy girl. What a life.

jenn said...

you know michel...i do lead an excited life full of adventure and mystery : )

christina..you me and rent next friday : )

Anonymous said...

I am so glad I didn't know about this movie earlier.....the suspense of waiting to see it would have killed me! I think I'm more excited about this than Harry Potter!!! (is that possible?) I can't wait!! I'll be singing too....do you think it would be better to sit in the back and sing or in the front....hmmmm.....