Tuesday, February 15, 2005

bright eyes

Bright eyes was good last night....it bothered me a lot that the censored out the word damn...fuck, i can see, but damn....Connor did a nice job of smashing his guitar too...i really like the host....craig ferguson....he was dumb funny, thats the kind of funny i see myself....i liked that he interviewed connor for a while....i always hate it that the musician just play and never get to say anything....connor didn't have a lot to say...which is kind of ironic to me because he has so much to say in him music....he picked a song that was very anti-war...i wonder if he did that on purpose to try to get a point across or he just wanted to play that song....he played road to joy off of i'm wide awake its morning....heres the amazon site to hear the song if you want...its a great album...

blah...now i have to go back to work... : )

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