Saturday, February 05, 2005


Once I watched an oprah about your inner self through your decorating...if you take the room you don't like in your house and write down the things you don't like about it, then these are the things you probably don't like about yourself. So i woke up this morning and was laying in bed and realized i really hate this i thought why do i hate it....and i came up with three reasons. 1. its boring 2. it has no rhyme or reason 3. its somewhat i think about those, i think do i see myself these ways, and to some extent yes i do....with #2, its weird, my whole place doesn't really have any rhyme or reason, but for some reason it really bugs me in the bedroom....hum....well the solution on oprah is just to redo the room and then you will automatically solve these problems, i don't know about that, but i need to do something about the room : ) I'll have to ask my land lord if i can paint, that would help me out.

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