Saturday, February 19, 2005

jolly ranchers are good

So we lost another soccer game....but its okay....we do have a practice tomorrow so who knows we might get better : )

This is my new hero....he's my knight in yellow/red armor... : ) He was in Amandas car all this time : )

Okay, on a serious i met a lady that is having some problems....she is 70 years old and very lonely....has no family to speak of....she had someone buy her some laundry detergent and she had a very allergic reaction to it....most of her body was covered in rashes....i saw them....she says she hasn't been sleeping or able to eat, she can barely walk....she says the doctors aren't doing anything for she asked me to keep her in my i'm asking you if you pray keep Ms. Battles in your prayers : )

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