Wednesday, February 02, 2005


So I'm thinking that musicians that want to go out on a limb musically should move to canada : )

I saw The Arcade Fire last night on Conan....I was impressed....they did there own thing, which i really liked. They have tons of band members, I believe there were about 8. Which is a lot for a band (except for Polyphonics Spree : )) and they had very unconventional instruments. Not many bands i know have an accordion , but maybe they should. Also two violin players, and a guy that bangs on shit (this reminds me of a band from New York, Skeleton Key) one point he lost his drum stick and it hit the lead singer in the just made me wonder how often that happens, probably a lot. The girl that played accordion sang and then they had a "lead" guy who sang and played guitar. Neither of their voices were great but it really worked for what they were doing. One thing that I didn't like at all was the sound, I don't know if it was how they had it mixed at the studio, or how it came out of my tv, but it didn't do them justice at all. The violins over powered everything...but i do know that it is extremely hard to get a good string mix in a "rock" band. Feed backs a bitch... : ) I haven't heard the cd yet, i've heard mixed reviews from several people...I am going to get it though, and see what i think. I wonder what Allen Alda thought of the arcade fire : )

I've been listening to a cd by Kaki King, she is an amazing guitar player. On her website you can watch her play and she is all over. She's doing things i've never seen done before. it looks to me like she has a classical guitar background. the only reason i assume that is because she is wearing fake finger nails on her right hand. Usually only classical guitar players do that....i could be totally wrong wouldn't be the first time.... : ) but it might be the last : ) She has inspired me to try to some different things like that with the cello. I actually started working on a "song" last night....we'll see how it goes.

Go the the murder by death website, the one song that i heard was really pretty cool. It sounds like they have a cellist and maybe a violinist (or the cellist is playing in the high register). I didn't get to watch the videos, my home computer and my work computer are both stupid!!!!! Its going to be really cool to play with a band that also has string player.

I'm not going to go to the Bright Eyes concert in Ft Worth and it makes me want to cry : ( woe is me.....

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