Monday, March 14, 2005

stop and smell the roses

Well, in my world we do no such thing....we stop and smell everything else. We stop to smell grass, and pine cones and other dog poop....but no roses....we'd probably eat the roses : ) Okay, i personally don't do any of this but Sydney does. We like to go on walks but really its more of a start/stop/start/stop thing. We only walk in between starting and stopping : )

I think i'm going to try writing a song today....but i think that is going to have to come after my nap. For some reason i'm extremely tired...blah....I love spring break :)

1 comment:

jöe said...

"i love spring break ;)"... you sicken me. no, wait, thats just my vicious jealousy shining through. i'll try to keep it under wraps from now on. enjoy your time.......................................................................................................................................