Monday, March 28, 2005

trip : )

This is what I wrote on the plane....

So, I don't know if I was convinced that airports were actually more secure...but i would be wrong. It took me about 2 seconds to check in byt about 10 minutes to get through security. My ID was checked at least twice and I was even made to take off my shoes : ) When they checked the bags on the convier belt, they actually stopped at everything. That, i had never seen.

I have about an hour to sit in the is a great place to people watch though : ) If i had a instrument i could work on shiny's new song...but unfortunatly i don't. Maybe I should work on some lyrics. I'm not sure if this one will have lyrics or not, but right now i'm thinking it probably will : ) Maybe we will be able to play this on the 8th of april...and just tell everyone its a work in progress...we'll see : )

Good Idea....Crystal Light on the Go!

Lyrics...No one ever plans to sleep out in the gutter, sometimes it just the most comfortable place...bright eyes...

Its weird to think about how often we put our very lives in the hands of other people, often times strangers. Take flying, i have never met this pilot and yet, he has control over my life. If he does anything wrong or makes a mistake..i could be goner, along with everyone else on this plane. And there is even riding with friends in a car....the minute to get in the car your life is in their hands...and in the hands of the other people on the road....hum...well, i'm glad that, that kind of stuff doesn't scare most people : )

Bad Idea....putting milk chocolate dove egg in coffee (it doesn't really melt)

Its amazing to me how unfriendly people are. You can make eye contact and smile at someone and they act like you have just committed a, I didn't realize being friendly was a crime...oh wait...i remember the 11th commandment....thou shall not be friendly to mistake : )

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